Flowcell AC565BACXX Run Start 2014-09-04 Read Length 50 single end HiSeq Sequencing Kit Trueseq v3 Sequencer Software HiSeq Control Software 2.0 Gerald version 1.8 Alignment Report: Legend: Total - total reads considered ( random 10% of total reads sequenced ) Total Unique - total reads aligning to only a single location in the reference U0 - # of unique hits with 0 mismatches U1 - # of unique hits with 1 mismatches U2 - # of unique hits with 2 mismatches R012 - # of hits aligning to multiple location in the reference with 0,1 or 2 mismatches NM - # of reads without a match to the reference Mapping Algorithm : GEM allowing up to 2 mismatches Lane 7 Sample: day2 K27 Index: GGCTAC Lab ID: 7918 Application: ChIP Seq Reference: M.musculus (mm10) Total 2630237 Total Unique 2113831 80.4% U0 1944019 73.9% U1 140752 5.4% U2 29060 1.1% R012 361934 13.8% NM 124337 4.7% ------------------------------------------------