# Command line has been read # Input file1 is ont_Crg_CapTrap_Corr0_HpreCap_0+_HEK293T01.gtf # Input file2 is ont_Crg_CapTrap_Corr0_HpreCap_1+_HEK293T01.gtf sort: write failed: standard output: No space left on device sort: write error # I have treated (sorted and put in temp file) the input files according to what the user wants # Hashtbl of transcripts has 6769866 keys/transcripts # Hashtbl of transcripts has 1777802 keys/transcripts # I have 6769866 initial transcripts in file1 # I have 1777802 initial transcripts in file2 # I have divided file1 and file2 transcripts intro sublists according to strand # I have divided file1 and file2 transcripts intro sublists according to strand and chromosome