Checking Config_file... hg38ToMm39.over.chain.gz already exists.. Skipping mm39ToHg38.over.chain.gz already exists.. Skipping Config_file is correct.. Generating geneID - geneName - geneBiotype - transcripts maps... Maps for hg38 already exist.. Skipping Maps for mm39 already exist.. Skipping Generating BED files for exons and genes... Exons BEDs for mm39... generating Genes BEDs for mm39... generating BEDs for mm39... generated Exons BEDs for hg38... generating Genes BEDs for hg38... generating BEDs for hg38... generated LiftOver features between species... mm39 exons to hg38... mapping mm39 exons to hg38... done hg38 exons to mm39... mapping hg38 exons to mm39... done Intersecting LiftOver... Human exons to Mouse... intersecting Human exons to Mouse... done Mouse exons to Human... intersecting Mouse exons to Human... done Predicting orthologues... Human exonStrand to Mouse... finding orthologues