from __future__ import absolute_import import math from plotly import exceptions, optional_imports from plotly.figure_factory import utils from plotly.graph_objs import graph_objs np = optional_imports.get_module("numpy") def validate_streamline(x, y): """ Streamline-specific validations Specifically, this checks that x and y are both evenly spaced, and that the package numpy is available. See FigureFactory.create_streamline() for params :raises: (ImportError) If numpy is not available. :raises: (PlotlyError) If x is not evenly spaced. :raises: (PlotlyError) If y is not evenly spaced. """ if np is False: raise ImportError("FigureFactory.create_streamline requires numpy") for index in range(len(x) - 1): if ((x[index + 1] - x[index]) - (x[1] - x[0])) > 0.0001: raise exceptions.PlotlyError( "x must be a 1 dimensional, " "evenly spaced array" ) for index in range(len(y) - 1): if ((y[index + 1] - y[index]) - (y[1] - y[0])) > 0.0001: raise exceptions.PlotlyError( "y must be a 1 dimensional, " "evenly spaced array" ) def create_streamline( x, y, u, v, density=1, angle=math.pi / 9, arrow_scale=0.09, **kwargs ): """ Returns data for a streamline plot. :param (list|ndarray) x: 1 dimensional, evenly spaced list or array :param (list|ndarray) y: 1 dimensional, evenly spaced list or array :param (ndarray) u: 2 dimensional array :param (ndarray) v: 2 dimensional array :param (float|int) density: controls the density of streamlines in plot. This is multiplied by 30 to scale similiarly to other available streamline functions such as matplotlib. Default = 1 :param (angle in radians) angle: angle of arrowhead. Default = pi/9 :param (float in [0,1]) arrow_scale: value to scale length of arrowhead Default = .09 :param kwargs: kwargs passed through plotly.graph_objs.Scatter for more information on valid kwargs call help(plotly.graph_objs.Scatter) :rtype (dict): returns a representation of streamline figure. Example 1: Plot simple streamline and increase arrow size >>> from plotly.figure_factory import create_streamline >>> import plotly.graph_objects as go >>> import numpy as np >>> import math >>> # Add data >>> x = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100) >>> y = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100) >>> Y, X = np.meshgrid(x, y) >>> u = -1 - X**2 + Y >>> v = 1 + X - Y**2 >>> u = u.T # Transpose >>> v = v.T # Transpose >>> # Create streamline >>> fig = create_streamline(x, y, u, v, arrow_scale=.1) >>> Example 2: from >>> from plotly.figure_factory import create_streamline >>> import numpy as np >>> import math >>> # Add data >>> N = 50 >>> x_start, x_end = -2.0, 2.0 >>> y_start, y_end = -1.0, 1.0 >>> x = np.linspace(x_start, x_end, N) >>> y = np.linspace(y_start, y_end, N) >>> X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) >>> ss = 5.0 >>> x_s, y_s = -1.0, 0.0 >>> # Compute the velocity field on the mesh grid >>> u_s = ss/(2*np.pi) * (X-x_s)/((X-x_s)**2 + (Y-y_s)**2) >>> v_s = ss/(2*np.pi) * (Y-y_s)/((X-x_s)**2 + (Y-y_s)**2) >>> # Create streamline >>> fig = create_streamline(x, y, u_s, v_s, density=2, name='streamline') >>> # Add source point >>> point = go.Scatter(x=[x_s], y=[y_s], mode='markers', ... marker_size=14, name='source point') >>> fig.add_trace(point) # doctest: +SKIP >>> """ utils.validate_equal_length(x, y) utils.validate_equal_length(u, v) validate_streamline(x, y) utils.validate_positive_scalars(density=density, arrow_scale=arrow_scale) streamline_x, streamline_y = _Streamline( x, y, u, v, density, angle, arrow_scale ).sum_streamlines() arrow_x, arrow_y = _Streamline( x, y, u, v, density, angle, arrow_scale ).get_streamline_arrows() streamline = graph_objs.Scatter( x=streamline_x + arrow_x, y=streamline_y + arrow_y, mode="lines", **kwargs ) data = [streamline] layout = graph_objs.Layout(hovermode="closest") return graph_objs.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) class _Streamline(object): """ Refer to FigureFactory.create_streamline() for docstring """ def __init__(self, x, y, u, v, density, angle, arrow_scale, **kwargs): self.x = np.array(x) self.y = np.array(y) self.u = np.array(u) self.v = np.array(v) self.angle = angle self.arrow_scale = arrow_scale self.density = int(30 * density) # Scale similarly to other functions self.delta_x = self.x[1] - self.x[0] self.delta_y = self.y[1] - self.y[0] self.val_x = self.x self.val_y = self.y # Set up spacing self.blank = np.zeros((self.density, self.density)) self.spacing_x = len(self.x) / float(self.density - 1) self.spacing_y = len(self.y) / float(self.density - 1) self.trajectories = [] # Rescale speed onto axes-coordinates self.u = self.u / (self.x[-1] - self.x[0]) self.v = self.v / (self.y[-1] - self.y[0]) self.speed = np.sqrt(self.u ** 2 + self.v ** 2) # Rescale u and v for integrations. self.u *= len(self.x) self.v *= len(self.y) self.st_x = [] self.st_y = [] self.get_streamlines() streamline_x, streamline_y = self.sum_streamlines() arrows_x, arrows_y = self.get_streamline_arrows() def blank_pos(self, xi, yi): """ Set up positions for trajectories to be used with rk4 function. """ return (int((xi / self.spacing_x) + 0.5), int((yi / self.spacing_y) + 0.5)) def value_at(self, a, xi, yi): """ Set up for RK4 function, based on Bokeh's streamline code """ if isinstance(xi, np.ndarray): self.x = xi.astype( self.y = yi.astype( else: self.val_x = self.val_y = a00 = a[self.val_y, self.val_x] a01 = a[self.val_y, self.val_x + 1] a10 = a[self.val_y + 1, self.val_x] a11 = a[self.val_y + 1, self.val_x + 1] xt = xi - self.val_x yt = yi - self.val_y a0 = a00 * (1 - xt) + a01 * xt a1 = a10 * (1 - xt) + a11 * xt return a0 * (1 - yt) + a1 * yt def rk4_integrate(self, x0, y0): """ RK4 forward and back trajectories from the initial conditions. Adapted from Bokeh's streamline -uses Runge-Kutta method to fill x and y trajectories then checks length of traj (s in units of axes) """ def f(xi, yi): dt_ds = 1.0 / self.value_at(self.speed, xi, yi) ui = self.value_at(self.u, xi, yi) vi = self.value_at(self.v, xi, yi) return ui * dt_ds, vi * dt_ds def g(xi, yi): dt_ds = 1.0 / self.value_at(self.speed, xi, yi) ui = self.value_at(self.u, xi, yi) vi = self.value_at(self.v, xi, yi) return -ui * dt_ds, -vi * dt_ds check = lambda xi, yi: (0 <= xi < len(self.x) - 1 and 0 <= yi < len(self.y) - 1) xb_changes = [] yb_changes = [] def rk4(x0, y0, f): ds = 0.01 stotal = 0 xi = x0 yi = y0 xb, yb = self.blank_pos(xi, yi) xf_traj = [] yf_traj = [] while check(xi, yi): xf_traj.append(xi) yf_traj.append(yi) try: k1x, k1y = f(xi, yi) k2x, k2y = f(xi + 0.5 * ds * k1x, yi + 0.5 * ds * k1y) k3x, k3y = f(xi + 0.5 * ds * k2x, yi + 0.5 * ds * k2y) k4x, k4y = f(xi + ds * k3x, yi + ds * k3y) except IndexError: break xi += ds * (k1x + 2 * k2x + 2 * k3x + k4x) / 6.0 yi += ds * (k1y + 2 * k2y + 2 * k3y + k4y) / 6.0 if not check(xi, yi): break stotal += ds new_xb, new_yb = self.blank_pos(xi, yi) if new_xb != xb or new_yb != yb: if self.blank[new_yb, new_xb] == 0: self.blank[new_yb, new_xb] = 1 xb_changes.append(new_xb) yb_changes.append(new_yb) xb = new_xb yb = new_yb else: break if stotal > 2: break return stotal, xf_traj, yf_traj sf, xf_traj, yf_traj = rk4(x0, y0, f) sb, xb_traj, yb_traj = rk4(x0, y0, g) stotal = sf + sb x_traj = xb_traj[::-1] + xf_traj[1:] y_traj = yb_traj[::-1] + yf_traj[1:] if len(x_traj) < 1: return None if stotal > 0.2: initxb, inityb = self.blank_pos(x0, y0) self.blank[inityb, initxb] = 1 return x_traj, y_traj else: for xb, yb in zip(xb_changes, yb_changes): self.blank[yb, xb] = 0 return None def traj(self, xb, yb): """ Integrate trajectories :param (int) xb: results of passing xi through self.blank_pos :param (int) xy: results of passing yi through self.blank_pos Calculate each trajectory based on rk4 integrate method. """ if xb < 0 or xb >= self.density or yb < 0 or yb >= self.density: return if self.blank[yb, xb] == 0: t = self.rk4_integrate(xb * self.spacing_x, yb * self.spacing_y) if t is not None: self.trajectories.append(t) def get_streamlines(self): """ Get streamlines by building trajectory set. """ for indent in range(self.density // 2): for xi in range(self.density - 2 * indent): self.traj(xi + indent, indent) self.traj(xi + indent, self.density - 1 - indent) self.traj(indent, xi + indent) self.traj(self.density - 1 - indent, xi + indent) self.st_x = [ np.array(t[0]) * self.delta_x + self.x[0] for t in self.trajectories ] self.st_y = [ np.array(t[1]) * self.delta_y + self.y[0] for t in self.trajectories ] for index in range(len(self.st_x)): self.st_x[index] = self.st_x[index].tolist() self.st_x[index].append(np.nan) for index in range(len(self.st_y)): self.st_y[index] = self.st_y[index].tolist() self.st_y[index].append(np.nan) def get_streamline_arrows(self): """ Makes an arrow for each streamline. Gets angle of streamline at 1/3 mark and creates arrow coordinates based off of user defined angle and arrow_scale. :param (array) st_x: x-values for all streamlines :param (array) st_y: y-values for all streamlines :param (angle in radians) angle: angle of arrowhead. Default = pi/9 :param (float in [0,1]) arrow_scale: value to scale length of arrowhead Default = .09 :rtype (list, list) arrows_x: x-values to create arrowhead and arrows_y: y-values to create arrowhead """ arrow_end_x = np.empty((len(self.st_x))) arrow_end_y = np.empty((len(self.st_y))) arrow_start_x = np.empty((len(self.st_x))) arrow_start_y = np.empty((len(self.st_y))) for index in range(len(self.st_x)): arrow_end_x[index] = self.st_x[index][int(len(self.st_x[index]) / 3)] arrow_start_x[index] = self.st_x[index][ (int(len(self.st_x[index]) / 3)) - 1 ] arrow_end_y[index] = self.st_y[index][int(len(self.st_y[index]) / 3)] arrow_start_y[index] = self.st_y[index][ (int(len(self.st_y[index]) / 3)) - 1 ] dif_x = arrow_end_x - arrow_start_x dif_y = arrow_end_y - arrow_start_y orig_err = np.geterr() np.seterr(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore") streamline_ang = np.arctan(dif_y / dif_x) np.seterr(**orig_err) ang1 = streamline_ang + (self.angle) ang2 = streamline_ang - (self.angle) seg1_x = np.cos(ang1) * self.arrow_scale seg1_y = np.sin(ang1) * self.arrow_scale seg2_x = np.cos(ang2) * self.arrow_scale seg2_y = np.sin(ang2) * self.arrow_scale point1_x = np.empty((len(dif_x))) point1_y = np.empty((len(dif_y))) point2_x = np.empty((len(dif_x))) point2_y = np.empty((len(dif_y))) for index in range(len(dif_x)): if dif_x[index] >= 0: point1_x[index] = arrow_end_x[index] - seg1_x[index] point1_y[index] = arrow_end_y[index] - seg1_y[index] point2_x[index] = arrow_end_x[index] - seg2_x[index] point2_y[index] = arrow_end_y[index] - seg2_y[index] else: point1_x[index] = arrow_end_x[index] + seg1_x[index] point1_y[index] = arrow_end_y[index] + seg1_y[index] point2_x[index] = arrow_end_x[index] + seg2_x[index] point2_y[index] = arrow_end_y[index] + seg2_y[index] space = np.empty((len(point1_x))) space[:] = np.nan # Combine arrays into matrix arrows_x = np.matrix([point1_x, arrow_end_x, point2_x, space]) arrows_x = np.array(arrows_x) arrows_x = arrows_x.flatten("F") arrows_x = arrows_x.tolist() # Combine arrays into matrix arrows_y = np.matrix([point1_y, arrow_end_y, point2_y, space]) arrows_y = np.array(arrows_y) arrows_y = arrows_y.flatten("F") arrows_y = arrows_y.tolist() return arrows_x, arrows_y def sum_streamlines(self): """ Makes all streamlines readable as a single trace. :rtype (list, list): streamline_x: all x values for each streamline combined into single list and streamline_y: all y values for each streamline combined into single list """ streamline_x = sum(self.st_x, []) streamline_y = sum(self.st_y, []) return streamline_x, streamline_y