from import build_dataframe from import make_docstring from import choropleth_mapbox, scatter_mapbox import numpy as np import pandas as pd def _project_latlon_to_wgs84(lat, lon): """ Projects lat and lon to WGS84, used to get regular hexagons on a mapbox map """ x = lon * np.pi / 180 y = np.arctanh(np.sin(lat * np.pi / 180)) return x, y def _project_wgs84_to_latlon(x, y): """ Projects WGS84 to lat and lon, used to get regular hexagons on a mapbox map """ lon = x * 180 / np.pi lat = (2 * np.arctan(np.exp(y)) - np.pi / 2) * 180 / np.pi return lat, lon def _getBoundsZoomLevel(lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max, mapDim): """ Get the mapbox zoom level given bounds and a figure dimension Source: """ scale = ( 2 # adjustment to reflect MapBox base tiles are 512x512 vs. Google's 256x256 ) WORLD_DIM = {"height": 256 * scale, "width": 256 * scale} ZOOM_MAX = 18 def latRad(lat): sin = np.sin(lat * np.pi / 180) radX2 = np.log((1 + sin) / (1 - sin)) / 2 return max(min(radX2, np.pi), -np.pi) / 2 def zoom(mapPx, worldPx, fraction): return 0.95 * np.log(mapPx / worldPx / fraction) / np.log(2) latFraction = (latRad(lat_max) - latRad(lat_min)) / np.pi lngDiff = lon_max - lon_min lngFraction = ((lngDiff + 360) if lngDiff < 0 else lngDiff) / 360 latZoom = zoom(mapDim["height"], WORLD_DIM["height"], latFraction) lngZoom = zoom(mapDim["width"], WORLD_DIM["width"], lngFraction) return min(latZoom, lngZoom, ZOOM_MAX) def _compute_hexbin(x, y, x_range, y_range, color, nx, agg_func, min_count): """ Computes the aggregation at hexagonal bin level. Also defines the coordinates of the hexagons for plotting. The binning is inspired by matplotlib's implementation. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray Array of x values (shape N) y : np.ndarray Array of y values (shape N) x_range : np.ndarray Min and max x (shape 2) y_range : np.ndarray Min and max y (shape 2) color : np.ndarray Metric to aggregate at hexagon level (shape N) nx : int Number of hexagons horizontally agg_func : function Numpy compatible aggregator, this function must take a one-dimensional np.ndarray as input and output a scalar min_count : int Minimum number of points in the hexagon for the hexagon to be displayed Returns ------- np.ndarray X coordinates of each hexagon (shape M x 6) np.ndarray Y coordinates of each hexagon (shape M x 6) np.ndarray Centers of the hexagons (shape M x 2) np.ndarray Aggregated value in each hexagon (shape M) """ xmin = x_range.min() xmax = x_range.max() ymin = y_range.min() ymax = y_range.max() # In the x-direction, the hexagons exactly cover the region from # xmin to xmax. Need some padding to avoid roundoff errors. padding = 1.0e-9 * (xmax - xmin) xmin -= padding xmax += padding Dx = xmax - xmin Dy = ymax - ymin if Dx == 0 and Dy > 0: dx = Dy / nx elif Dx == 0 and Dy == 0: dx, _ = _project_latlon_to_wgs84(1, 1) else: dx = Dx / nx dy = dx * np.sqrt(3) ny = np.ceil(Dy / dy).astype(int) # Center the hexagons vertically since we only want regular hexagons ymin -= (ymin + dy * ny - ymax) / 2 x = (x - xmin) / dx y = (y - ymin) / dy ix1 = np.round(x).astype(int) iy1 = np.round(y).astype(int) ix2 = np.floor(x).astype(int) iy2 = np.floor(y).astype(int) nx1 = nx + 1 ny1 = ny + 1 nx2 = nx ny2 = ny n = nx1 * ny1 + nx2 * ny2 d1 = (x - ix1) ** 2 + 3.0 * (y - iy1) ** 2 d2 = (x - ix2 - 0.5) ** 2 + 3.0 * (y - iy2 - 0.5) ** 2 bdist = d1 < d2 if color is None: lattice1 = np.zeros((nx1, ny1)) lattice2 = np.zeros((nx2, ny2)) c1 = (0 <= ix1) & (ix1 < nx1) & (0 <= iy1) & (iy1 < ny1) & bdist c2 = (0 <= ix2) & (ix2 < nx2) & (0 <= iy2) & (iy2 < ny2) & ~bdist, (ix1[c1], iy1[c1]), 1), (ix2[c2], iy2[c2]), 1) if min_count is not None: lattice1[lattice1 < min_count] = np.nan lattice2[lattice2 < min_count] = np.nan accum = np.concatenate([lattice1.ravel(), lattice2.ravel()]) good_idxs = ~np.isnan(accum) else: if min_count is None: min_count = 1 # create accumulation arrays lattice1 = np.empty((nx1, ny1), dtype=object) for i in range(nx1): for j in range(ny1): lattice1[i, j] = [] lattice2 = np.empty((nx2, ny2), dtype=object) for i in range(nx2): for j in range(ny2): lattice2[i, j] = [] for i in range(len(x)): if bdist[i]: if 0 <= ix1[i] < nx1 and 0 <= iy1[i] < ny1: lattice1[ix1[i], iy1[i]].append(color[i]) else: if 0 <= ix2[i] < nx2 and 0 <= iy2[i] < ny2: lattice2[ix2[i], iy2[i]].append(color[i]) for i in range(nx1): for j in range(ny1): vals = lattice1[i, j] if len(vals) >= min_count: lattice1[i, j] = agg_func(vals) else: lattice1[i, j] = np.nan for i in range(nx2): for j in range(ny2): vals = lattice2[i, j] if len(vals) >= min_count: lattice2[i, j] = agg_func(vals) else: lattice2[i, j] = np.nan accum = np.hstack( (lattice1.astype(float).ravel(), lattice2.astype(float).ravel()) ) good_idxs = ~np.isnan(accum) agreggated_value = accum[good_idxs] centers = np.zeros((n, 2), float) centers[: nx1 * ny1, 0] = np.repeat(np.arange(nx1), ny1) centers[: nx1 * ny1, 1] = np.tile(np.arange(ny1), nx1) centers[nx1 * ny1 :, 0] = np.repeat(np.arange(nx2) + 0.5, ny2) centers[nx1 * ny1 :, 1] = np.tile(np.arange(ny2), nx2) + 0.5 centers[:, 0] *= dx centers[:, 1] *= dy centers[:, 0] += xmin centers[:, 1] += ymin centers = centers[good_idxs] # Define normalised regular hexagon coordinates hx = [0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, -0.5, -0.5] hy = [ -0.5 / np.cos(np.pi / 6), -0.5 * np.tan(np.pi / 6), 0.5 * np.tan(np.pi / 6), 0.5 / np.cos(np.pi / 6), 0.5 * np.tan(np.pi / 6), -0.5 * np.tan(np.pi / 6), ] # Number of hexagons needed m = len(centers) # Coordinates for all hexagonal patches hxs = np.array([hx] * m) * dx + np.vstack(centers[:, 0]) hys = np.array([hy] * m) * dy / np.sqrt(3) + np.vstack(centers[:, 1]) return hxs, hys, centers, agreggated_value def _compute_wgs84_hexbin( lat=None, lon=None, lat_range=None, lon_range=None, color=None, nx=None, agg_func=None, min_count=None, ): """ Computes the lat-lon aggregation at hexagonal bin level. Latitude and longitude need to be projected to WGS84 before aggregating in order to display regular hexagons on the map. Parameters ---------- lat : np.ndarray Array of latitudes (shape N) lon : np.ndarray Array of longitudes (shape N) lat_range : np.ndarray Min and max latitudes (shape 2) lon_range : np.ndarray Min and max longitudes (shape 2) color : np.ndarray Metric to aggregate at hexagon level (shape N) nx : int Number of hexagons horizontally agg_func : function Numpy compatible aggregator, this function must take a one-dimensional np.ndarray as input and output a scalar min_count : int Minimum number of points in the hexagon for the hexagon to be displayed Returns ------- np.ndarray Lat coordinates of each hexagon (shape M x 6) np.ndarray Lon coordinates of each hexagon (shape M x 6) pd.Series Unique id for each hexagon, to be used in the geojson data (shape M) np.ndarray Aggregated value in each hexagon (shape M) """ # Project to WGS 84 x, y = _project_latlon_to_wgs84(lat, lon) if lat_range is None: lat_range = np.array([lat.min(), lat.max()]) if lon_range is None: lon_range = np.array([lon.min(), lon.max()]) x_range, y_range = _project_latlon_to_wgs84(lat_range, lon_range) hxs, hys, centers, agreggated_value = _compute_hexbin( x, y, x_range, y_range, color, nx, agg_func, min_count ) # Convert back to lat-lon hexagons_lats, hexagons_lons = _project_wgs84_to_latlon(hxs, hys) # Create unique feature id based on hexagon center centers = centers.astype(str) hexagons_ids = pd.Series(centers[:, 0]) + "," + pd.Series(centers[:, 1]) return hexagons_lats, hexagons_lons, hexagons_ids, agreggated_value def _hexagons_to_geojson(hexagons_lats, hexagons_lons, ids=None): """ Creates a geojson of hexagonal features based on the outputs of _compute_wgs84_hexbin """ features = [] if ids is None: ids = np.arange(len(hexagons_lats)) for lat, lon, idx in zip(hexagons_lats, hexagons_lons, ids): points = np.array([lon, lat]).T.tolist() points.append(points[0]) features.append( dict( type="Feature", id=idx, geometry=dict(type="Polygon", coordinates=[points]), ) ) return dict(type="FeatureCollection", features=features) def create_hexbin_mapbox( data_frame=None, lat=None, lon=None, color=None, nx_hexagon=5, agg_func=None, animation_frame=None, color_discrete_sequence=None, color_discrete_map={}, labels={}, color_continuous_scale=None, range_color=None, color_continuous_midpoint=None, opacity=None, zoom=None, center=None, mapbox_style=None, title=None, template=None, width=None, height=None, min_count=None, show_original_data=False, original_data_marker=None, ): """ Returns a figure aggregating scattered points into connected hexagons """ args = build_dataframe(args=locals(), constructor=None) if agg_func is None: agg_func = np.mean lat_range = args["data_frame"][args["lat"]].agg(["min", "max"]).values lon_range = args["data_frame"][args["lon"]].agg(["min", "max"]).values hexagons_lats, hexagons_lons, hexagons_ids, count = _compute_wgs84_hexbin( lat=args["data_frame"][args["lat"]].values, lon=args["data_frame"][args["lon"]].values, lat_range=lat_range, lon_range=lon_range, color=None, nx=nx_hexagon, agg_func=agg_func, min_count=min_count, ) geojson = _hexagons_to_geojson(hexagons_lats, hexagons_lons, hexagons_ids) if zoom is None: if height is None and width is None: mapDim = dict(height=450, width=450) elif height is None and width is not None: mapDim = dict(height=450, width=width) elif height is not None and width is None: mapDim = dict(height=height, width=height) else: mapDim = dict(height=height, width=width) zoom = _getBoundsZoomLevel( lon_range[0], lon_range[1], lat_range[0], lat_range[1], mapDim ) if center is None: center = dict(lat=lat_range.mean(), lon=lon_range.mean()) if args["animation_frame"] is not None: groups = args["data_frame"].groupby(args["animation_frame"]).groups else: groups = {0: args["data_frame"].index} agg_data_frame_list = [] for frame, index in groups.items(): df = args["data_frame"].loc[index] _, _, hexagons_ids, aggregated_value = _compute_wgs84_hexbin( lat=df[args["lat"]].values, lon=df[args["lon"]].values, lat_range=lat_range, lon_range=lon_range, color=df[args["color"]].values if args["color"] else None, nx=nx_hexagon, agg_func=agg_func, min_count=min_count, ) agg_data_frame_list.append( pd.DataFrame( np.c_[hexagons_ids, aggregated_value], columns=["locations", "color"] ) ) agg_data_frame = ( pd.concat(agg_data_frame_list, axis=0, keys=groups.keys()) .rename_axis(index=("frame", "index")) .reset_index("frame") ) agg_data_frame["color"] = pd.to_numeric(agg_data_frame["color"]) if range_color is None: range_color = [agg_data_frame["color"].min(), agg_data_frame["color"].max()] fig = choropleth_mapbox( data_frame=agg_data_frame, geojson=geojson, locations="locations", color="color", hover_data={"color": True, "locations": False, "frame": False}, animation_frame=("frame" if args["animation_frame"] is not None else None), color_discrete_sequence=color_discrete_sequence, color_discrete_map=color_discrete_map, labels=labels, color_continuous_scale=color_continuous_scale, range_color=range_color, color_continuous_midpoint=color_continuous_midpoint, opacity=opacity, zoom=zoom, center=center, mapbox_style=mapbox_style, title=title, template=template, width=width, height=height, ) if show_original_data: original_fig = scatter_mapbox( data_frame=( args["data_frame"].sort_values(by=args["animation_frame"]) if args["animation_frame"] is not None else args["data_frame"] ), lat=args["lat"], lon=args["lon"], animation_frame=args["animation_frame"], )[0].hoverinfo = "skip"[0].hovertemplate = None[0].marker = original_data_marker fig.add_trace([0]) if args["animation_frame"] is not None: for i in range(len(original_fig.frames)): original_fig.frames[i].data[0].hoverinfo = "skip" original_fig.frames[i].data[0].hovertemplate = None original_fig.frames[i].data[0].marker = original_data_marker fig.frames[i].data = [ fig.frames[i].data[0], original_fig.frames[i].data[0], ] return fig create_hexbin_mapbox.__doc__ = make_docstring( create_hexbin_mapbox, override_dict=dict( nx_hexagon=["int", "Number of hexagons (horizontally) to be created"], agg_func=[ "function", "Numpy array aggregator, it must take as input a 1D array", "and output a scalar value.", ], min_count=[ "int", "Minimum number of points in a hexagon for it to be displayed.", "If None and color is not set, display all hexagons.", "If None and color is set, only display hexagons that contain points.", ], show_original_data=[ "bool", "Whether to show the original data on top of the hexbin aggregation.", ], original_data_marker=["dict", "Scattermapbox marker options."], ), )