This directory contains sequences and genome coordinates of putative polyA signals used in the GENCODE Capture Long-Seq project. All files correspond to genome assemblies hg38 and mm10. # File list: hg38.polyAsignals.bed.gz: BED file of human (hg38) polyA signal coordinates mm10.polyAsignals.bed.gz: BED file of mouse (mm10) polyA signal coordinates signals.list.txt: list of putative polyA signal sequences (taken from Lopez et al., 2006, doi: 10.1261/rna.136206) # BED file format (BED6): There is one sequence motif per BED record. All genomic occurrences of the motifs present in signals.list.txt are reported. column 1: chromosome column 2: chromosome start of polyA signal column 3: chromosome end of polyA signal column 4: motif identifier (.__) column 5: always '0' column 6: genomic strand of the sequence motif