Barcelona | Sevilla | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Basic Statistics
Per base sequence qualityPer sequence quality scoresPer base sequence contentPer base GC contentPer sequence GC contentPer base N contentSequence Length DistributionSequence Duplication LevelsOverrepresented sequences
Basic Statistics
Per base sequence qualityPer sequence quality scoresPer base sequence contentPer base GC contentPer sequence GC contentPer base N contentSequence Length DistributionSequence Duplication LevelsOverrepresented sequences
Barcelona |
Sevilla |
208049 total reads. 189211 (91%) input to Newbler v2.5p1-internal-10Jun23-1. numAlignedReads = 111377, 58.86%; numAlignedBases = 33876333, 57.30%; inferredReadError = 1.57%, 532790; numberAssembled = 88957; (47%) numberPartial = 22297; numberSingleton = 73790; (39%) numberRepeat = 186; numberOutlier = 3554; numberTooShort = 427; numberOfIsotigs = 4423; avgContigCnt = 2.0; largestContigCnt = 16; numberWithOneContig = 2812; numberOfBases = 2586937; avgIsotigSize = 584; N50IsotigSize = 587; largestIsotigSize = 3141; |
845357 total reads. 835080 (99%) input to Newbler v2.6. numAlignedReads = 589924, 70.64%; numAlignedBases = 300516134, 69.44%; inferredReadError = 0.91%, 2744346; numberAssembled = 504405; (60%) numberPartial = 85416; numberSingleton = 214098; (26%) numberRepeat = 444; numberOutlier = 22477; numberTooShort = 8240; numberOfIsotigs = 17939; avgContigCnt = 1.9; largestContigCnt = 14; numberWithOneContig = 10968; numberOfBases = 22496014; avgIsotigSize = 1254; N50IsotigSize = 1328; largestIsotigSize = 8287; |
Barcelona |
Sevilla |
185847 reads mapped to hg19 (89%). Genomic distribution of aligned reads
Fraction of reads aligned inside targeted regions vs. min % sequence identity threshold
826262 reads mapped to hg19 (98%). Genomic distribution of aligned reads
Fraction of reads aligned inside targeted regions vs. min % sequence identity threshold |